Source code for

from . import Point3D

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing      import Self

[docs] @dataclass class MspAltitude: """ Represents data values for the MSP_ALTITUDE command. This class encapsulates altitude-related data from a MultiWii flight controller. """ estimation: int """int: The estimated altitude.""" pressure_variation: int """int: The variation in pressure."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspAltitude` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspAltitude An instance of the `MspAltitude` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls(*data)
[docs] @dataclass class MspAttitude: """ Represents data values for the MSP_ATTITUDE command. This class encapsulates attitude-related data from a MultiWii flight controller. """ pitch_angle: float """float: The pitch angle of the aircraft in degrees, ranging from -180.0 to 180.0.""" roll_angle: float """float: The roll angle of the aircraft in degrees, ranging from -90.0 to 90.0.""" yaw_angle: int """int: The heading angle of the aircraft in degrees, ranging from 0 to 360."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspAttitude` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspAttitude An instance of the `MspAttitude` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls( pitch_angle=data[0] / 10.0, roll_angle=data[1] / 10.0, yaw_angle=data[3] )
[docs] @dataclass class MspRawImu: """ Represents data values for the MSP_RAW_IMU command. This class encapsulates raw IMU (Intertial Measurement Unit) data from a MultiWii flight controller. """ accelerometer: Point3D[float] """Point3D[float]: The accelerometer data.""" gyroscope: Point3D[float] """Point3D[float]: The gyroscope data.""" magnetometer: Point3D[float] """Point3D[float]: The magnetometer data."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse( cls, data: tuple, accelerometer_unit: int = 1.0, gyroscope_unit: int = 1.0, magnetometer_unit: int = 1.0 ) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspRawImu` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. accelerometer_unit : int, optional The unit conversion factor for the accelerometer data (default is 1.0). gyroscope_unit : int, optional The unit conversion factor for the gyroscope data (default is 1.0). magnetometer_unit : int, optional The unit conversion factor for the magnetometer data (default is 1.0). Returns ------- MspRawImu An instance of the `MspRawImu` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls( accelerometer=Point3D( x=data[0] / accelerometer_unit, y=data[1] / accelerometer_unit, z=data[2] / accelerometer_unit ), gyroscope=Point3D( x=data[3] / gyroscope_unit, y=data[4] / gyroscope_unit, z=data[5] / gyroscope_unit ), magnetometer=Point3D( x=data[6] / magnetometer_unit, y=data[7] / magnetometer_unit, z=data[8] / magnetometer_unit ) )