Source code for multiwii

multiwii-proxy-python: A simple and user-friendly Python 3 module for MultiWii-based drones.

Formerly known as WiiProxy.

Copyright (C) 2024 BluDay

This module only supports communication through MSP v1 and not for any of the newer
versions. Consider using other libraries that uses MSP v2 and newer versions of the

The re-write of this module was a great learning experience for me.

__author__      = 'BluDay'
__copyrights__  = '© 2024 BluDay'
__credits__     = 'BluDay'
__description__ = 'A simple and user-friendly Python 3 module for MultiWii-based drones.'
__license__     = 'MIT'
__maintainer__  = 'BluDay'
__title__       = 'multiwii-proxy-python'
__url__         = ''
__version__     = '3.0'

from ._command import _MspCommand

from .commands import (

from .data import (

from .messaging import (

from serial import Serial

from time import perf_counter, sleep

from typing import Any, Final, NoReturn, Type

[docs] class MultiWii(object): """ The main class for wiiproxy that handles communication with MultiWii flight controllers. This class requires an open serial port with a baudrate of 115200 to be passed at instantiation. Note ---- This class supports MSP v1 and does not support any newer versions. Note ---- This class can be imported directly through the main module. """ DEFAULT_MESSAGE_WRITE_READ_DELAY: Final[float] = 0.005 """float: The default delay in seconds between writing and reading messages.""" MSP_VERSION: Final[int] = 1 """int: The supported MultiWii Serial Protocol version.""" _message_write_read_delay: float _serial_port: Final[Serial] def __init__(self, serial_port: Serial) -> NoReturn: """ Initializes an instance using the provided serial port. This constructor initializes a new instance of the MultiWii class using the provided serial port for communication with the FC. It sets up the initial state of the object, including the activation status, command write-read delay and serial port configuration. Additionally, it ensures that the provided serial port is of the correct type (Serial). If the serial port is not of the expected type, a TypeError is raised. Parameters ---------- serial : Serial The serial port instance used for communication with the FC. This should be an instance of the `Serial` class from the `pyserial` library, which provides the interface for serial communication. Raises ------ TypeError If the provided serial port instance is not an instance of the `Serial` class. """ if not isinstance(serial_port, Serial): raise TypeError('The serial port must be an instance of "Serial".') self._command_to_data_structure_type_map = { MSP_ALTITUDE: MspAltitude, MSP_ANALOG: MspAnalog, MSP_ATTITUDE: MspAttitude, MSP_BOX: MspBox, MSP_BOXIDS: MspBoxIds, MSP_BOXNAMES: MspBoxNames, MSP_COMP_GPS: MspCompGps, MSP_IDENT: MspIdent, MSP_MISC: MspMisc, MSP_MOTOR: MspMotor, MSP_MOTOR_PINS: MspMotorPins, MSP_PID: MspPid, MSP_PIDNAMES: MspPidNames, MSP_RAW_GPS: MspRawGps, MSP_RAW_IMU: MspRawImu, MSP_RC: MspRc, MSP_RC_TUNING: MspRcTuning, MSP_SERVO: MspServo, MSP_SERVO_CONF: MspServoConf, MSP_STATUS: MspStatus, MSP_WP: MspWaypoint } self._message_write_read_delay = self.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_WRITE_READ_DELAY self._serial_port = serial_port @property def command_to_data_structure_type_map(self) -> dict[_MspCommand, Type]: """ Gets the command to data structure type dictionary. Returns ------- dict[_MspCommand, Type] A instance with a copy of the map. """ return dict(self._command_to_data_structure_type_map) @property def message_write_read_delay(self) -> float: """ Gets the delay (in seconds) between each write and read message. Returns ------- float The delay in seconds. """ return self._message_write_read_delay @property def serial_port(self) -> Serial: """ Gets the serial port instance. Returns ------- Serial The serial port instance. """ return self._serial_port @message_write_read_delay.setter def message_write_read_delay(self, value: float) -> NoReturn: """ Sets the delay (in seconds) between each write and read command. This property controls the delay between each write message followed by a read message sent to the FC. A message with empty data values is sent first, followed by a delay, and then a read message to retrieve information from the FC. Parameters ---------- value : float The delay in seconds. Raises ------ TypeError If the value is not a float. ValueError If the value is a negative number. """ if not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError('Value must be a float.') if value < 0: raise ValueError('Value must be a non-negative number.') self._message_write_read_delay = value def _read_response_message(self, command: _MspCommand) -> _MspResponseMessage: """ Reads a response message from the FC using the MSP command. Note ---- This method sends a write message with empty values to the FC in order to retrieve a response message. Ensure that the FC is ready to to respond to the command code sent. Parameters ---------- command : _MspCommand An instance of `_MspCommand` representing the MSP command used to read the message. Raises ------ MspMessageError If an error message is returned from the FC. Returns ------- _MspResponseMessage A named tuple with the command, parsed data and additional information. """ try: self._send_request_message(command) sleep(self._message_write_read_delay) header = if header == MESSAGE_ERROR_HEADER: raise MspMessageError('An error has occured.') if header != MESSAGE_INCOMING_HEADER: raise MspMessageError('Invalid incoming message preamble received.') command_code = if command_code[0] != command.code: raise MspMessageError( 'Invalid command code detected. ({}, {})'.format( command.code, command_code ) ) payload = bytes() payload += command_code data_size = data =[0]) payload += data_size payload += data checksum = if checksum[0] != _crc8_xor(payload): raise MspMessageError(f'Invalid payload checksum detected for {command}.') return _parse_response_message(command, payload) finally: self._serial_port.reset_input_buffer() def _send_request_message(self, command: _MspCommand, data: tuple[int] = ()) -> NoReturn: """ Sends a request message to the FC using the provided MSP command and data values. Parameters ---------- command : _MspCommand An instance of `_MspCommand` representing the MSP command used to write the message. data : tuple[int] Data values to serialize and include in the message payload. """ try: self._serial_port.write(_create_request_message(command, data)) finally: self._serial_port.reset_output_buffer()
[docs] def arm(self) -> NoReturn: """ Arms the vehicle. This method prepares the vehicle for operation by simulating the arming sequence performed by physical transmitters. It sets the throttle value to its minimum, and the yaw value to its maximum, for a few seconds simultaneously to initiate the arming process. This ensures that the vehicle is ready for further commands and a safe flight. Note ---- Ensure that the vehicle is in a safe enviornment and that conditions are suitable for arming before invoking this method. """ data = MspRc( roll=1500, pitch=1500, yaw=2000, throttle=1000, aux1=0, aux2=0, aux3=0, aux4=0 ) start_time = perf_counter() elapsed_time = 0 while elapsed_time < 0.5: self.set_raw_rc(data) sleep(0.05) elapsed_time = perf_counter() - start_time
[docs] def bind_transmitter_and_receiver(self) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_BIND command to the FC using the provided data values. This command initiates the binding process between the transmitter (radio controller) and the receiver connected to the FC. Binding establishes a secure communication link between the transmitter (TX) and the receiver (RX). Note ---- Ensure that the FC is ready to receive the bind command and that the transmitter is in binding mode before calling this method. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_BIND)
[docs] def calibrate_accelerometer(self) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_ACC_CALIBRATION command to the FC using the provided data values. This command initiates the accelerometer calibration process on the FC. Accelerometer calibration is essential for accurate attitude estimation and stabilization of the aircraft. Note ---- The FC should be placed on a level surface during the calibration to ensure accurate results. Avoid moving or disturbing the FC during the process. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_ACC_CALIBRATION)
[docs] def calibrate_magnetometer(self) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_MAG_CALIBRATION command to the FC using the provided data values. This command initiates the magnetometer (compass) calibration process on the FC. Magnetometer calibration is crucial for accurate heading estimation and navigation, especially in GPS-assisted flight modes. Note ---- The FC should be rotated along all three axes (roll, pitch, yaw) in a smooth and consistent manner to ensure accurate results. Avoid any magnetic interference or disturbances during the process. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_ACC_CALIBRATION)
[docs] def disarm(self) -> NoReturn: """ Disarms the vehicle. This method safely disarms the vehicle by resetting the yaw and throttle to their minimum values. This process simulates the disarming sequence used by physical transmitters, ensuring that the vehicle is no longer ready for flight, and that the vehicle is in a more safe state. Note ---- Always ensure that the vehicle is on the ground and stationary before invoking this method to avoid accidental movement or damage. """ data = MspRc( roll=1500, pitch=1500, yaw=1000, throttle=1000, aux1=0, aux2=0, aux3=0, aux4=0 ) start_time = perf_counter() elapsed_time = 0 while elapsed_time < 0.5: self.set_raw_rc(data) sleep(0.05) elapsed_time = perf_counter() - start_time
[docs] def get_data(self, command: _MspCommand) -> Any: """ Sends a given command to the FC and parses the retrieved data values. Parameters ---------- command : _MspCommand An instance of `_MspCommand` representing the MSP command to get corresponding data values for. Returns ------- Any An instance of a corresponding data structure type for the given command. """ data = self._read_response_message(command).data return self._command_to_data_structure_type_map[command].parse(data)
[docs] def reset_config(self) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_RESET_CONF command to the FC using the provided data values. This command resets the configuration settings on the FC to their default values. It effectively restores the FC to its initial configuration state, clearing any customized settings or adjustments made by the user. Note ---- Resetting the config should be done with caution, as it will revert all settings to their defaults. Make sure to reconfigure the FC according to your requirements after executing this command to the FC using the provided data values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_RESET_CONF)
[docs] def save_config_to_eeprom(self) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_EEPROM_WRITE command to the FC using the provided data values. This command writes the current configuration settings to the EEPROM of the FC. Note ---- Writing to EEPROM should be done with caution, as it modifies the stored config directly. Ensure that the values written are valid and intended, as incorrect values could lead to unexpected behavior or instability. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_EEPROM_WRITE)
[docs] def select_setting(self, value: int) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SELECT_SETTING command to the FC using the provided data values. Selects the "setting configuration" with different PID and rate values using the given range value. Parameters ---------- value : int A value of 0, 1 or 2. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided value is not 0, 1 or 2. """ if not value in (0, 1, 2): raise ValueError('Value must be 0, 1 or 2.') self._send_request_message(MSP_SELECT_SETTING, data=(value,))
[docs] def set_boxes(self, data: MspBox) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_BOX command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets the flight modes (or "boxes") config on the FC. Flight modes define the behavior of the aircraft based on various inputs from the transmitter or other sources. Parameters ---------- data : tuple[MspBoxItem] A tuple of non-null `MspBoxItem` values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_BOX, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_head(self, value: int) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_HEAD command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets the heading (yaw) direction reference on the FC with a value range of -180 to 180. It is used to define the forward direction of the aircraft relative to its orientation. Parameters ---------- range : int The heading direction value within a range of -180 and 180. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided range value is less than -180 or greater than 180. """ if not -180 <= value <= 180: raise ValueError('Value must be within the range of -180 and 180.') self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_HEAD, data=(value,))
[docs] def set_misc_config(self, data: MspSetMisc) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_MISC command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets miscellaneous config parameters on the FC—such as battery voltage scaling, failsafe behavior, or other settings not covered by specific MSP commands. Parameters ---------- data : MspSetMisc An instance of the `MspSetMisc` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_MISC, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_motors(self, data: MspMotor) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_MOTOR command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets the motor output values on the FC. Motor output values determine the throttle level for each motor, controlling the rotation speed and thrust generated by the motors. Parameters ---------- data : MspMotor An instance of the `MspMotor` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_MOTOR, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_pid_values(self, data: MspPid) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_PID command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets the PID values on the FC. PID values are used to adjust the stability and response characteristics of the aircraft. Parameters ---------- data : MspPid An instance of the `MspPid` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_PID, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_raw_gps(self, data: MspRawGps) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_RAW_GPS command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets the raw GPS data on the FC—such as the latitude, longitude, altitude, and other GPS-related information. Parameters ---------- data : MspRawGps An instance of the `MspRawGps` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_RAW_GPS, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_raw_rc(self, data: MspRc) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_RAW_RC command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets the raw receiver (RC/RX) channel data on the FC. Raw FC data includes the pulse width values received from the transmitter for each channel, typically representing control inputs such as throttle, pitch, roll, and yaw. Parameters ---------- data : MspRc An instance of the `MspRc` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_RAW_RC, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_rc_tuning(self, data: MspRcTuning) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_RC_TUNING command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets RC tuning parameters on the FC—such as expo, rates, and other settings related to RC control response and behavior. Parameters ---------- data : MspRcTuning An instance of the `MspRcTuning` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_RC_TUNING, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_servo_config(self, data: MspServoConf) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_SERVO_CONF command to the FC using the provided data values. Sets servo config parameters on the FC—such as servo mapping, direction, endpoints, and other settings related to servo control. Parameters ---------- data : tuple[MspServoConfItem] A tuple with instances of the `MspServoConfItem` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_SERVO_CONF, data.as_serializable())
[docs] def set_waypoint(self, data: MspWaypoint) -> NoReturn: """ Sends an MSP_SET_WP command to the FC using the provided data values. Dispatches a command to set a waypoint on the FC, providing specific latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, duration and navigation flags for precise navigation and waypoint management. Parameters ---------- data : MsWaypoint An instance of the `MspWaypoint` class populated with values. """ self._send_request_message(MSP_SET_WP, data.as_serializable())