Source code for

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing      import Self

[docs] @dataclass class MspServo: """ Represents data values for the MSP_SERVO command. This class encapsulates the servo values for channels in the MultiWii flight controller. """ values: tuple[int] """tuple[int]: The servo output values for each channel."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspServo` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspServo An instance of the `MspServo` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls(*data)
[docs] @dataclass class MspServoConfItem: """ Represents data values for the MSP_SET_SERVO_CONF command. This class encapsulates the configuration values for a single servo channel in the MultiWii flight controller. """ min: int """int: The minimum value for the servo endpoint.""" max: int """int: The maximum value for the servo endpoint.""" middle: int """int: The middle value for the servo endpoint.""" rate: int """int: The rate vlaue for the servo channel."""
[docs] @dataclass class MspServoConf: """ Represents data values for the MSP_SERVO_CONF command. This class encapsulates the servo configuration values for setting up servo endpoints, middle points, and rates in the MultiWii flight controller. """ values: tuple[MspServoConfItem] """tuple[MspServoConfItem]: The servo configuration values for each servo channel."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns aninstance of the `MspServoConf` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspServoConf An instance of the `MspServoConf` class populated with the parsed data. """ item_count = len(data) / 4 values = () for index in range(item_count, step=4): item = ServoConfItem( min=data[index], max=data[index + 1], middle=data[index + 2], rate=data[index + 3] ) values += (item,) return cls(values)
[docs] def as_serializable(self) -> tuple[int]: """ Returns a tuple with integer values to be used for serialization. Returns ------- tuple[int] A tuple with serializable integer values. """ values = () for item in self.values: values += ( item.min, item.max, item.middle, item.rate ) return values