Source code for

from . import Pid

from ..messaging import _decode_names

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing      import Self

[docs] @dataclass class MspPid: """ Represents data values for the MSP_PID command. This class encapsulates the PID controller settings for various control axes and functions in the MultiWii flight controller. """ roll: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the roll axis.""" pitch: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the pitch axis.""" yaw: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the yaw axis.""" altitude_hold: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the altitude hold.""" position_hold: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the position hold.""" position_rate: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the position rate.""" navigation_rate: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the navigation rate.""" level_mode: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the level mode.""" magnetometer: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the magnetometer.""" velocity: Pid[int] """Pid[int]: PID values for the velocity."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspPid` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspPid An instance of the `MspPid` class populated with the parsed data. """ pid_collection = () for index in range(len(data), step=3): pid = Pid( p=data[index], i=data[index + 1], d=data[index + 2] ) pid_collection += (pid,) return cls(*pid_collection)
[docs] def as_serializable(self) -> tuple[int]: """ Returns a tuple with integer values to be used for serialization. Returns ------- tuple[int] A tuple with serializable integer values. """ return ( roll.p, roll.i, roll.d, pitch.p, pitch.i, pitch.d, yaw.p, yaw.i, yaw.d, altitude_hold.p, altitude_hold.i, altitude_hold.d, position_hold.p, position_hold.i, position_hold.d, position_rate.p, position_rate.i, position_rate.d, navigation_rate.p, navigation_rate.i, navigation_rate.d, level_mode.p, level_mode.i, level_mode.d, magnetometer.p, magnetometer.i, magnetometer.d, velocity.p, velocity.i, velocity.d )
[docs] @dataclass class MspPidNames: """ Represents data values for the MSP_PIDNAMES command. This class is used to store the names of various PID controllers used in the MultiWii flight controller. Each name corresponds to a specific PID controller setting. """ names: tuple[str] """tuple[str]: The names of the PID controllers."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspPidNames` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspPidNames An instance of the `MspPidNames` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls(decode_names(data))