Source code for

from . import Coordinates

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing      import Self

[docs] @dataclass class MspCompGps: """ Represents data values for the MSP_COMP_GPS command. This class encapsulates the GPS compass data from the MultiWii flight controller. It provides information about the distance and direction to the hime position, as well as the update status of the GPS data. """ distance_to_home: int """int: The distance to the home position in meters.""" direction_to_home: int """int: The direction to the home position in degrees.""" update_status: int """int: The update status of the GPS data."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspCompGps` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspCompGps An instance of the `MspCompGps` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls(*data)
[docs] @dataclass class MspRawGps: """ Represents data values for the MSP_RAW_GPS command. This class encapsulates the GPS compass data from the MultiWii flight controller. It provides information about the GPS fix status, number of satellites in view, coordinates (latitude and longitude), altitude, speed, and ground course. """ fix: int """int: The GPS fix status.""" satellites: int """int: The number of satellites in view.""" coordinates: Coordinates[float] """Coordinates[float]: The GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude).""" altitude: int """int: The altitude in meters.""" speed: int """int: The speed in cm/s.""" ground_course: float """float: The ground course in degrees."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspRawGps` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspRawGps An instance of the `MspRawGps` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls( fix=data[0], satellites=data[1], coordinates=Coordinates( latitude=data[2] / 10000000.0, longitude=data[3] / 10000000.0 ), altitude=data[4], speed=[5], ground_course=data[6] / 10.0 )
[docs] def as_serializable(self) -> tuple[int]: """ Returns a tuple with integer values to be used for serialization. Returns ------- tuple[int] A tuple with serializable integer values. """ return ( fix, satellites, int(coordinates.latitude * 10000000), int(coordinates.longitude * 10000000), altitude, speed, int(ground_course * 10) )
[docs] @dataclass class MspWaypoint: """ Represents data values for the MSP_WP command. This class encapsulates the waypoint data from the MultiWii flight controller. It provides information about the waypoint number, coordinates, altitude hold, heading, time to stay at the waypoint, and the waypoint flag. """ number: int """int: The waypoint number.""" coordinates: Coordinates[int] """Coordinates[int]: The GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the waypoint.""" altitude_hold: int """int: The altitude hold value in meters.""" heading: int """int: The heading in degrees.""" time_to_stay: int """int: The time to stay at the waypoint in seconds.""" status_flag: int """int: The waypoint flag indicating the waypoint's status or type."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspWaypoint` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspWaypoint An instance of the `MspWaypoint` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls( number=data[0], coordinates=Coordinates( latitude=data[1] / 10000000.0, longitude=data[2] / 10000000.0 ), altitude_hold=data[3], heading=data[4], time_to_stay=data[5], status_flag=data[6] )
[docs] def as_serializable(self) -> tuple[int]: """ Returns a tuple with integer values to be used for serialization. Returns ------- tuple[int] A tuple with serializable integer values. """ return ( number, int(coordinates.latitude * 100000000), int(coordinates.longitude * 100000000), altitude_hold, heading, time_to_stay, status_flag )