Source code for

from ..config    import MultiWiiBox, MultiWiiBoxState
from ..messaging import _decode_names

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing      import Self

[docs] @dataclass class MspBoxItem: """ Represents data values for the MSP_SET_BOX command. This class encapsulates the configuration of auxiliary (aux) control boxes in a MultiWii flight controller. Each box can be assigned a specific function or mode, and its state can be set to the following values: * Empty (0b000) (Unselected) * Low (0b001) (LOW) * Mid (0b010) (MID) * High (0b100) (HIGH) """ aux1: MultiWiiBoxState """MultiWiiStateBox: The state value for the first auxiliary function.""" aux2: MultiWiiBoxState """MultiWiiStateBox: The state value for the second auxiliary function.""" aux3: MultiWiiBoxState """MultiWiiStateBox: The state value for the third auxiliary function.""" aux4: MultiWiiBoxState """MultiWiiStateBox: The state value for the fourth auxiliary function."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, value: int) -> Self: """ Parses all auxiliary state values from the given parameter and instantiates an instance with the parsed state values. Parameters ---------- value : int A single integer value consisting of all of the auxiliary states. Returns ------- MspBoxItem An instance of the `MspBoxItem` class with parsed box item state values. """ return cls( aux1=MultiWiiBoxState(value & 0x7), aux2=MultiWiiBoxState((value >> 3) & 0x7), aux3=MultiWiiBoxState((value >> 6) & 0x7), aux4=MultiWiiBoxState((value >> 9) & 0x7) )
[docs] def compile(self) -> int: """ Compiles all of the box state values into a single unsigned integer value. Returns ------- int The compiled integer value representing the combined state of all auxiliary control boxes. """ return self.aux1 | self.aux2 << 3 | self.aux3 << 6 | self.aux4 << 9
[docs] @dataclass class MspBox: """ Represents data values for the MSP_BOX command. This class is used to store the state values of various control boxes in a MultiWii flight controller. Control boxes can be used to enable or disable specific functions or modes during flight. """ items: tuple[MspBoxItem] """tuple[MspBoxItem]: A tuple with the box items."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspBox` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspBox An instance of the `MspBox` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls(tuple(MspBoxItem.parse(state) for state in data))
[docs] def as_serializable(self) -> tuple[int]: """ Returns a tuple with integer values to be used for serialization. Returns ------- tuple[int] A tuple with serializable integer values. """ return (box_item.compile() for box_item in self.values)
[docs] @dataclass class MspBoxIds: """Represents data values for the MSP_BOXIDS command.""" values: tuple[MultiWiiBox] """tuple[MultiWiiBox]: A tuple with `MultiWiiBox` values."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspBoxIds` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspBoxIds An instance of the `MspBoxIds` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls(tuple(MultiWiiBox(value) for value in data))
[docs] @dataclass class MspBoxNames: """ Represents data values for the MSP_BOXNAMES command. This class is used to store the names of various boxes that can be checked in a MultiWii flight controller. Each box corresponds to a specific function or mode that can be activated in the flight controller's configuration. """ names: tuple[str] """tuple[str]: The name of the boxes as strings."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data: tuple) -> Self: """ Parses a tuple of data values obtained from `struct.unpack` and returns an instance of the `MspBoxNames` class. Parameters ---------- data : tuple A tuple containing unpacked data values. Returns ------- MspBoxNames An instance of the `MspBoxNames` class populated with the parsed data. """ return cls(decode_names(data))