from enum import IntEnum, unique
class MultiWiiBox(IntEnum):
Represents the various boxes that can be checked in a MultiWii flight controller.
Each box corresponds to a specific function or mode that can be activated in the
flight controller's configuration.
Arm = 0
Angle = 1
Horizon = 2
Baro = 3
Vario = 4
Mag = 5
HeadFree = 6
HeadAdj = 7
CamStab = 8
CamTrig = 9
GpsHome = 10
GpsHold = 11
Passthru = 12
Beeper = 13
LedMax = 14
LedLow = 15
LLights = 16
Calib = 17
Governor = 18
OsdSwitch = 19
Mission = 20
Land = 21
class MultiWiiBoxState(IntEnum):
Represents the state of an auxiliary (aux) control box in MultiWii flight controller.
The state indicates whether the box is unselected (Empty), or selected at a LOW (Low),
MID (Mid), or HIGH (High) position.
Empty = 0b000
Low = 0b001
Mid = 0b010
High = 0b100
class MultiWiiCapability(IntEnum):
Represents various capabilities of a MultiWii flight controller.
Each capability indicates a specific feature that the flight controller supports.
Bind = 0b00001
Dynbal = 0b00010
Flap = 0b00100
Nav = 0b01000
ExtAux = 0b10000
class MultiWiiMultitype(IntEnum):
Enumeration of vehicle configurations available in MultiWii.
These configurations represents different types of aircraft or vehicle setups
that the flight controller can be configured to control.
Unidentified = 0
Tri = 1
QuadP = 2
QuadX = 3
Bi = 4
Gimbal = 5
Y6 = 6
Hex6 = 7
FlyingWing = 8
Y4 = 9
Hex6X = 10
OctoX8 = 11
OctoflatP = 12
OctoflatX = 13
Airplane = 14
Heli120CCPM = 15
Heli90Deg = 16
VTail4 = 17
Hex6H = 18
Singlecopter = 21
Dualcopter = 20
class MultiWiiSensor(IntEnum):
Enumeration of sensor types supported by MultiWii.
These sensor types indicate the various sensors that can be used with the
MultiWii flight controller to provide additional data and functionality.
Acc = 0
Baro = 1
Mag = 2
Gps = 3
Sonar = 4