Source code for multiwii.config

from enum import IntEnum, unique

[docs] @unique class MultiWiiBox(IntEnum): """ Represents the various boxes that can be checked in a MultiWii flight controller. Each box corresponds to a specific function or mode that can be activated in the flight controller's configuration. """ Arm = 0 Angle = 1 Horizon = 2 Baro = 3 Vario = 4 Mag = 5 HeadFree = 6 HeadAdj = 7 CamStab = 8 CamTrig = 9 GpsHome = 10 GpsHold = 11 Passthru = 12 Beeper = 13 LedMax = 14 LedLow = 15 LLights = 16 Calib = 17 Governor = 18 OsdSwitch = 19 Mission = 20 Land = 21
[docs] @unique class MultiWiiBoxState(IntEnum): """ Represents the state of an auxiliary (aux) control box in MultiWii flight controller. The state indicates whether the box is unselected (Empty), or selected at a LOW (Low), MID (Mid), or HIGH (High) position. """ Empty = 0b000 Low = 0b001 Mid = 0b010 High = 0b100
[docs] @unique class MultiWiiCapability(IntEnum): """ Represents various capabilities of a MultiWii flight controller. Each capability indicates a specific feature that the flight controller supports. """ Bind = 0b00001 Dynbal = 0b00010 Flap = 0b00100 Nav = 0b01000 ExtAux = 0b10000
[docs] @unique class MultiWiiMultitype(IntEnum): """ Enumeration of vehicle configurations available in MultiWii. These configurations represents different types of aircraft or vehicle setups that the flight controller can be configured to control. """ Unidentified = 0 Tri = 1 QuadP = 2 QuadX = 3 Bi = 4 Gimbal = 5 Y6 = 6 Hex6 = 7 FlyingWing = 8 Y4 = 9 Hex6X = 10 OctoX8 = 11 OctoflatP = 12 OctoflatX = 13 Airplane = 14 Heli120CCPM = 15 Heli90Deg = 16 VTail4 = 17 Hex6H = 18 Singlecopter = 21 Dualcopter = 20
[docs] @unique class MultiWiiSensor(IntEnum): """ Enumeration of sensor types supported by MultiWii. These sensor types indicate the various sensors that can be used with the MultiWii flight controller to provide additional data and functionality. """ Acc = 0 Baro = 1 Mag = 2 Gps = 3 Sonar = 4